Security Data Rooms

Security Data Rooms (SDRs) are cloud-based services that allow the safe storage and sharing confidential data. They are used for M&A due diligence, due diligence, real estate asset management and any other business that requires specialized secure file sharing.

It’s not a surprise that businesses are concerned with the security of their confidential business data, particularly due to recent high-profile data breaches. While encryption of data-at-rest in the data room is essential to stop hackers from gaining access your documents, it’s only one element of the puzzle. You must take a holistic approach to data-room security, which includes policies as well as technical capabilities and training.

VDRs are also beneficial for ensuring compliance with industry regulations like the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard. PCI-DSS demands secure storage, a strong control over access, encrypted transmissions, and regular security tests. This capability shows your clients as well as your customers, partners and other stakeholders that data security is important to you.

Some VDR systems can also limit access to content in the app by limiting IP addresses that are eligible for VDR access. This could stop unauthorized users from using screen grabbers to take document content and share them with non-authorized parties. VDRs with advanced access controls also allow admins to connect an authorized user’s identity to printed and viewed documents.

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